Monday, October 12, 2009

You're wrong about that...

Me: When you are finished with that sucker, put the stick in the garbage can...
Matthew: but you are wrong about that... I'm going to put it in the be-cycling (recycling) bin.
Me: I don't think you can recycle a sucker stick
Matthew: but my friend Will does that every day- and I want to do that too and be like my best friend Will because Will is my best friend and he does that every day...


Joo said...

aaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww how cute!!!! you really do need to record some of these things...maybe we can just put a microphone on him ...

Anonymous said...

That is really sweet - I think. Hmm, I wonder if Will is really recycling the sucker stick or if he is just too lazy to put it in the trash can?

Anonymous said...

WHO would think Will would ever be lazy??? I know Will and he is a 'do-the-right-thing' kinda guy!
;-) I agree with the wonderful Joo that you must record these conversationss!!!