Thursday, May 8, 2008

And the winner is...

small dress, originally uploaded by SIMPLY.MADE.

So when I'd told my mom that I was going to go get some fabric, and she responded by "I'm just going to go and look in my stash in the basement"... I thought she meant like 'NOW I'm going'... and so once I got started on this, I could not, did not stop. It helped that Erik was up until 11:30 also- playing World of Warcraft.

Again, FREE pattern here, found via here.


Anonymous said...

Very cute. You are too talented. Awesome.

Sara H.

Erik Horrell said...

Leslie, I hate to say this, but that just isn't going to fit you...

Rae said...

Very cute! I love the colors there! Did it actually end up being reversable? If so, awesome!!

Leslie said...

no- it's not reversable now- but I think I could make it that way... I was telling some extended family members about making it reversable and they all flipped out and started talking about how it'd make the dress too hot, because the baby would be wearing a diaper and everything too! (Like any other time we dress babies less because they have a diaper on!) :)