Wednesday, March 12, 2008

a crazy question from me

big boy bed, originally uploaded by Hillary Lang.

Because you know, when you don’t jump on the ball and do something, you just over think it…

Do you use quilts/ comforters in the summer?? Is it an individual preference thing you think, or a learned thing?? Matthew kind of uses his comforter now… but not really really… Erik and I are both the same in that we prefer to have some sort of blanket with some weight to it over us no matter what the temperature… me, I could live with the duvet year round, but Erik gets too hot and so we end up switching to our ‘coverlet/ quilt’ thing until he gets upset about it slipping off of the bed always… and then we switch to… well, I don’t know what it’s called… like a really thick sheet… which leaves me wanting more (I feel more protected, more safe with a heavier blanket over me…) but whatever… so since I’m over thinking this quilt/ duvet cover with race cars (maybe in an attempt to talk myself out of making it?) I’m worrying about its practicality and usage. Matthew never really did like blankets over his feet… one when he’s in the car, now, yes… one over his head when he was a baby, yep. but even when he was a baby in my belly, no blankets, thanks… I’d have to sleep with a blanket for my feet, and another for my top half… belly uncovered, even in the middle of winter.

OK- so if you can, post a comment and let me know how you sleep at night, and if the changing of the seasons changes that... and maybe I'll get brave and start thins thing any way... you just hate to put so much work and thought into something (and learning too- I've never really appliqued before) especially when your in an emotionally shaky state... but enough rambling on and on about it...

photo from Hillary's blog (wee wonderfuls)... my inspiration for what I want to try to make, but I promise a complete coincidence in the child's book shelf and color, and future IKEAshelves... though I did choose the stripey IKEA boxes because she had them...


The Kiefers said...

nick and i like lots of covers, no matter the season!! the quilt looks super cute -- i think you should go for it!! and then teach me... haha :) what are you doing for baby girl's bedding?

Anonymous said...

Well, Stuart and I have completely separate blanket solutions! He sleeps with exactly two quilts all year long. Me - I like something fluffy so I have a comforter that I sleep with all year long - the only difference is whether my feet are out or in! Sara H.