Saturday, November 22, 2008

he's a potty boy

he's a potty boy, originally uploaded by SIMPLY.MADE.

yep. Matthew can use the potty!!

I think this is the fourth week he's been wearing underwear exclusively during the day, he hasn't had an accident in over a week, He's made it to the potty a few times after HIM telling US that he had to go! I didn't really know how this would play out- for the first 3 weeks it was me taking him to the bathroom once an hour and making him try to go. Yesterday I decided to mostly trust him... to see how he'd do. HE DID AWESOME!

He's not using his little potty any more though- in fact, after this picture, we discovered that he's just a bit too big for it now- resulting in wet pants and a mess on the carpet... figures, after we send the carpet cleaner home with Erik's mom- we have a mess on our hands...

Also, Matthew was noticed at the craft store by the cashier- a few weeks ago we were there and she asked him "How are you doing today young man?" Matthew responded "I not a young man! I superman! See? It on mine bottom!" and he then attempted to show her his superman bum. I had to explain that we were potty training... She thought it was hilarious. When we were there yesterday, she asked if he had his Superman underwear on...

"no" he replied, "Just mine Buzz Lightyear."

1 comment:

Kent and Paige Parrish said...

how funny.....i got a good laugh. What a big boy!
