Wednesday, July 23, 2008

mommy, take a picture

mommy, take a picture, originally uploaded by SIMPLY.MADE.

That must be my job now... I must be known for sneaking in at book time and taking a picture of the precious moments before Matthew enters the land of knod... It was a request the other night, made by the little guy.

Yes. To any who may be wondering- we're still here, Nope. I'm not kidding... no, I'm not in labor. Yes... I'm ready for this child to make her apearance, yes... It's sometimes tough to accept that she has a schedule of her own that my body is going to have to just work with- much like the midnight feedings that we will be up for after birth... hopefully she's as good as her brother and will go back to sleep soon after making sure someone will still come to her rescue if she needs it... but that's a 'worry' for later. :)

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