Wednesday, February 13, 2008

yesterday's snow day

melting ice, originally uploaded by SIMPLY.MADE.

When we woke up in the morning, there were tons of tiny icesickles shining in the sun, hanging off of the trees and such. They were really pretty and I was looking forward to the picture opportunity... well, we didn't get out early enough and this is what they looked like when we finally did get out...

Matthew saw his dad pull the trycicle out of the shed in order to look for a snow shovel (we really thought we had one!!) so up the hill he headed- determined to ride his "bik kick kle" in the snow- falling didn't even seem to bother him,,, he just looked over his shoulder at me and then hopped up- in all that snow gear and everything!!

foot prints, originally uploaded by SIMPLY.MADE.

I've always loved prints in the snow. When we were younger we'd try to follow them around. These tiny foot prints were no exception- adorable and perfect... and irrisistable to follow.

Matthew finally did make it to the bike, and then decided right away that it wasn't as fun as he thought it would be.

oh no! I fell!, originally uploaded by SIMPLY.MADE.

and just before we headed in Matthew fell again (for about the 5th time). This time he was not going to get up by himself.. he did not have mittens on. Why? you ask... Because mittens get wet, and then they are not comfortable, and though they are better than not having mittens on, Matthew did not believe us until this point. Then he demanded for them to be put back on- right then and there, even though we were headed into the house any how.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That little booger! =)