Friday, May 14, 2010


We went to WV to visit a week ago,and /Mia sent us home with some tomato plants.

Yesterday I noticed that they were starting to look a little sad, so while we were out, we picked up some pots and dirt and spent some of the windy afternoon transplanting our tomatoes.

I'll have to admit, I was less than patient when Matthew started pouring our bought dirt on my foot and the patio. Other than that though, it was a nice experience.

I was thinking about digging up a small plot of land and starting a (slightly) raised garden bed this summer, but after planting the tomatoes, I decided that I'd probably be better at container gardening- at least this year. That way if I turn out to have a black thumb, there will not be a big, nasty, weedy, grass-less section of yard next year. I'll be looking for large pots this yard sale season... unless you have some you want to hand over? :)

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