Thursday, September 11, 2008

baby cupcakes

baby cupcakes, originally uploaded by SIMPLY.MADE.

here are the cupcakes my mom and I made for the baby shower. Lindsay helped finish up the baby blankets. I got the idea from JustJENN. They were a hit. I made 2 dozen, not 3 like her... (how to here)and I did have people helping me, but it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Hey- I had to do something to keep up my 'Martha Stewart' like party throwing skillz... (right Teresa?)

Over all I think the mom to be was surprised it was a shower for her, and not an end of summer bash... She was told that the guys just needed another reason to smoke (some meats). We had a few surprise visitors too- and the big sister to be was sure to point that out to her mom (before she got in the door to see for herself!!). Oh well... I remember being young and excited too.... besides, she'd already made up for it by being such a big helper in getting things set up for the party before her mom arrived. :)

And what did we give as a gift?

baby gift, originally uploaded by SIMPLY.MADE.

What else? a pint sized smoker shirt.

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